How to Turn PLR Content into Profitable Infographics

Kina Brown
3 min readFeb 11, 2023


If you’re looking for a way to repurpose and monetize your PLR content, consider turning it into an infographic. Infographics are a quick and easy way to present information in a visually appealing way that is more likely to be shared and linked to than a traditional blog post or ebook. To maximize the profitability of your infographics, focus on using interesting and relevant information that is visually appealing and easy to understand.

7 Ways to Monetize Your Infographics:

  • Publish your infographic on Pinterest to drive traffic to your blog, YouTube channel, or offers.
  • Convert your infographic into a short video and publish it on platforms like YouTube Shorts and TikTok.
  • Create a bundle of infographics and sell master resell rights.
  • Sell your infographics on your website or online store.
  • Offer infographic creation as a done-for-you marketing service.
  • Monetize your infographic with your offer CTAs and affiliate links.
  • Share your infographic with authority sites in your niche for the potential of gaining backlinks.

Creating an Effective Infographic:

  1. Start with an attention-grabbing statistic or fact to engage your audience.
  2. Use high-quality icons, illustrations, and graphics to make your infographic look professional.
  3. Double-check your facts and figures to maintain credibility.
  4. Create something valuable that people will want to refer to often.
  5. Provide valuable information, but avoid cramming too much text into the infographic.
  6. Let the graphics do the talking, as they can be more impactful than text.

Steps to Monetizing Your Infographics:

  1. Find quality PLR to repurpose into an infographic. Look for information that solves a problem or produces a result, and make sure it’s something people will want to refer to repeatedly. (Tip: You can find quality PLR vendors on our vendor list.)
  2. Decide what graphics to use and make sure they are clear and easy to understand. Study other infographics for inspiration and use platforms like Canva to find graphics and templates.
  3. Monetize your infographic by including links and CTAs to your paid offers and affiliate links. Make sure the information you’re sharing is related to the offers you’re promoting. (Tip: If you don’t have an offer, you can use a PLR Package to quickly create one.)
  4. Make your infographic shareable by making it easy to consume and understand, and share it on social media and other platforms. (Tip: Publish your infographic to Pinterest, create pinnable graphics on your blog, and share across multiple platforms.)
  5. To ensure your infographic gets shared and linked back to, consider making it relevant to a trending topic.

The potential for profit with infographics is substantial, as seen in the example of KISSmetrics, which made 47 infographics and received 2.5 million visitors and 41,000 backlinks as a result.


DISCLOSURE: In the spirit of full disclosure, some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means that I may receive compensation from some of the vendors listed here on my site, as their thanks to me for recommending their products or services. However, we never recommend any product solely for the reason of receiving commissions, and the commission we receive does not affect what you pay for the products or services you purchase from our links. In fact, from time to time we offer bonuses and special discounts for our customers in the download area of our favorite vendors.



Kina Brown

I help abundance-minded female coaches, consultants, and entrepreneurs design businesses that attract a flow of abundance. Work With Me: